Veterans For America





Providing assistance and guidance to United States Military Veterans.

Veterans For America was established in 1990, by Veterans for Veterans.

America is (19) Million Veterans, STRONG!

Let's Unite and accomplish the missions

The missions of Veterans For America:  



Veteran Suicides  


Meriwether Lewis

Army Captain Lewis of the Lewis and Clark 1804 'Corps of Discovery'.

Died October 11, 1809 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

And Help


Veteran Homelessness

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Latest News

  • Lift a hand to help a Veteran. The VFA salutes you!

    Veterans For America wishes to thank everyone who has lifted a hand to help a Veteran! VFA salutes you!


  • Memorial Day, 2024 A Time of Reflections

      A time to Stand Proud for you are serving or have served our great Nation
      A Time to Reflect
      A Time to Hope on a New Day

     Veterans For America wishes all our military personnel, Veterans and their families a blessed and safe Memorial weekend, 2024

    Thank you for you service and sacrifice. Veterans for America Salutes you!

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